Animated: Gargoyle, Marble     

Species: N/A. Type: Stone Gargoyle. Class: Animated. Align: See: "Description". Gender: None.


Level: 24 + 1-D12. Damage-Points: 1-D20 x level.

Number encountered: 1-D2 per 3 characters.

Experience-Points: 56 x level.



Awareness: Hearing: 0, Sense of Smell: 0, Sixth Sense: 0, Taste: 0, Touch: 40, Vision: 0,

Charisma -: Appearance: See: "Description". Speech: 0, Constitution: 60, Coordination: 20, Dexterity: 40, Intelligence: 0, Mental-Strength: 0, Strength: 50, Wisdom: 0.



Flying: 18. Grounded: 9. Swimming: Can't (will walk or fly under water at 5 spaces per turn).


Luck: 0.

Oxygen-Points: None (does not need oxygen to exist).

Blood-Points: None (does not need blood to exist).


Attacks: This creature will have all the following attacks per turn.

Attack descriptions:  Range:               Damage:                          Attack type:

     Bite ---------- : 1     1 space (5').       1-D8 (+1-D8 per level).   Sharp.

     Claws -------- : 2     1 space (5').       1-D6 (+1-D6 per level).  Sharp.

     Tail-Strike - : 1      2 spaces (10').   1-D6 (+1-D6 per level).  Sharp.


If Tail-Strike causes more 50%+ damage, an avoidance-roll vs. “Stun” must be successful or the victim will incur the following penalties for 1-D4 turns:


1. 50% movement reduction (rounded down)

2. -3-D8 on both Defense and Offense for the stun duration.


Defense: 20 (50 for level 32+). Offense: 40 (70 for level 32+).


Treasure: %Roll needed to have money and treasure:

02+ for 1-D4 +2 items.

Begin rolling on the Rare chart.



Annihilation Strike?: Yes. Sudden Death Strike?: Yes.

Description:  Eye color: Gray, white, dark-gray and pink mixed color. Eye shape: Medium-sized and sharply slanted. Hair color: Gray, white, dark-gray and pink mixed color (some gargoyles are created with the appearance of hair). Height: 5' 6". Length: 12'-6". Posture: Biped / Avian. Skin color: Gray, white, dark-gray and pink mixed color. Skin texture: Marble. Weight: 400 Lbs. Wing Contour: Bat-like. Wings can be fashioned by the Animationist in any manner. Wingspan: 12'-6".


The Marble Gargoyle is created from a solid mass of marble, the choosing of its creator. Its appearance is that of a sculpted gargoyle, a humanoid with wings, whatever form the sculpture wishes it to be (i.e., hideous, beautiful, animal-like, etc).


Dislikes ----- : N/A.

Disposition - : Most Gargoyles are truly magnificent, and server the master of their creation faithfully. It is said in one legend, an Animationist, who was a master sculpture, master crafted a beautiful woman statue, with bat-like wings, and cast the spell of "Gargoyle" upon it. He named her Shae`Thallin (in the dragon tongue, "beautiful"). It is written, he fell in love with her and used all his resources for many decades to attempt the impossible; give her life . . . and a soul. In one account, it is written, 'In the end, he succeeded in his design, and they vanished from all knowledge, she bearing him away whithersoever he commanded.' What became of them, no one knows. It is widely rumored he wished to spare her the prejudice and biased opinions he knew would befall her. So in love with her was he, he could not bear any pain or misery to befall her. Thus the two departed to some far away place to live out the remainder of their lives in peace.


These animations will remain motionless and in place at all times until the directive its creator has
given it has been triggered (i.e., treasure has been taken, a certain area has trespassed, it has been physically touched, etc.). It can be multiple commands (commands which are not given will not be executed by this animation).


If the caster of an Animated Stone Gargoyle dies, the Gargoyle will become "Stilled", thus it will retain the same disposition its master charged it with while he or she was alive. However, if attacked, this disposition will change to defense, and a fight will ensue. The former commands of the Animationist will be strictly up to the Game Master to decide.


G.M.: There will be a 75% chance of this animation having no master.


Fears -------- : None.

Habitat ------ : Multiple (especially found in dungeons and labyrinths).

Immunities - : Other than physical damage (like a weapon strike), only physically damaging spells and animationist spells can effect this creature.


Life-span --- : Undying creature. This creature's existence never fades.

Likes -------- : None.

Needs ------- : None.

Note --------- : Animationists use these gargoyles as sentinels, as guardians of items, places and persons.


The damage a stone-based ability and/or spell inflicts will heal this creature for the damage it would have normally caused.


Special Abilities:

Vibration Sense: A creature or moving object that comes within 10 spaces (50'), which is not stealthed (naturally sneaking or using an ability or item to conceal detection) will be detected if this creature rolls a successful avoidance-roll vs. "Awareness (Touch)".


Note: The characteristic of Touch is how this animation sees (it is its vision). This creature has an acute sense of feeling, and is drawn to, the vibrations of both surface creatures walking upon the ground, and those flying by way of body movement (i.e., the flapping of wings, even the accelerated beating of the heart once it has already detected a creature, the wind in sails, Etc.). It is drawn to such disturbances.


Special Defenses:

Damage-Reduction: 6 to physical attacks.


Natural stone body: %Roll needed to turn certain attacks:

Acid -------- : Immune.

Blunt ------- : 50+

Cold -------- : Immune.

Electricity - : Immune.

Fire --------- : Immune.

Needle ----- : Immune.

Sharp ------- : 60+


Weapon Retribution: If this creature is struck by a non-magical weapon, that weapon will have a chance of breaking as follows:


Weapon steel quality:   % chance of breaking on impact:

Gage-steel ------------- : 2% per 1 point of damage inflicted by the weapon.

Shank-steel ------------ : 2% per 2 points of damage inflicted by the weapon.

Krakkin-steel --------- : 2% per 3 points of damage inflicted by the weapon.

Admontanium-steel -- : 2% per 3 points of damage inflicted by the weapon.

Earthen-steel --------- :  2% per 4 points of damage inflicted by the weapon.

Krannik-steel --------- : 2% per 5 points of damage inflicted by the weapon.

Starr-steel ------------- : 2% per 6 points of damage inflicted by the weapon.

Mystical-steel -------- : 2% per 7 points of damage inflicted by the weapon.

Koar-steel ------------- : 2% per 8 points of damage inflicted by the weapon.


Special Offenses:



Susceptibilities: None.

Weapon susceptibility: Rank-0 non-magical weapon to harm this creature. See: "Weapon Retribution" in "Special Defenses".